A diopter is a measurement of power and has units of inverse meters.
Power (diopters) = 1/EFL where EFL = effective focal length of a lens with units of meters
For a thin lens element, the power is calculated below. Using the magnifying power (MP) of a magnifier or comparator you can calculate the power in diopters.
For the smaller magnifiers:
Power (diopters) = MP/0.25 where EFL is in units of meters
For the larger magnifiers:
Power (diopters) = (MP-1)/0.25 where EFL is in units of meters
Note that this should not be confused with prism diopters. This is also a measure of power, typically used with wedge prisms, that is defined as a 1cm deviation of an input beam at a distance of 1m from the prism.
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