Compact Gated Industrial Laser Diode Modules provide a high quality, cost effective OEM solution for a range of industrial applications. Featuring a gated CW laser output, these modules can achieve switching speeds up to 100kHz through the control input or they can be operated from low power TTL and microprocessors to achieve a simple, slow speed ON/OFF switching. An electrically isolated compact 24 x 14 x 14mm housing and M12 x 1 threaded barrel facilitates efficient cooling through good thermal contact and allows for easy integration into existing OEM laser systems. Compact Gated Industrial Laser Diode Modules are ideal for a wide range of industrial OEM applications including machine vision, inspection, positioning, and alignment. When operated within the appropriate temperature range (-10 to 55°C), these lasers can achieve long lifetimes with minimum mean time between failures (MTTF) ranging from ≥30,000 to ≥120,000 hours depending on wavelength.
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