Produkt in den Warenkorb gelegt

1/2" x 36" flexibler Lichtleiter


½" Flexible Fiber Optic Light Guide

Auswahl der Spezifikationen
Durchmesser (Zoll):
Länge (Zoll):
Produkt #39-370 3-4 Tage
Quantity Selector - Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the quantity. +
Stk. 1+
Preise exklusiv der geltenden Mehrwertsteuer und Abgaben
Bitte beachten Sie: Für den Betrieb wird Zubehör benötigt. | Weitere Infos


Packungsdichte (%):
82% nominal
Fiber Optic Light Guide
Passender Lichtleiteradapter:
SX: #38-946
MX: #66-908
Spot Light

Physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften

Min. Biegehalbmesser (mm):
Durchmesser (Zoll):
Länge (Zoll):

Optische Eigenschaften

Akzeptanzwinkel (°):
Numerische Apertur NA:
Faserdurchmesser (μm):
Brechungsindex Kern (nd):
Brechungsindex Mantel (nd):

Umwelt & Haltbarkeit

Betriebstemperatur (°C):
-40 to +107

Konformität mit Standards

Reach 174:
Nicht konform


Dia. (inches)  Länge (Zoll)   Vergleichen  Artikelnummer  Preis Kaufen
0.06 36.00
0.06 48.00
0.13 24.00
0.13 36.00
0.13 48.00
0.25 12.00
0.25 24.00
0.25 36.00
0.25 48.00
0.25 72.00
0.50 12.00
0.50 24.00
0.50 36.00
0.50 48.00

Mehr Infos

Light Guide Adapters are required to mate the low profile Fiber Optic Line Lights with fiber optic illuminators.

Hochtransmissive Glasfasern ummantelt mit PVC umhüllten Monocoil, ½" sind mit PVC umhülltem Metallschlauch ummantelt. Die Enden der Lichtleiter sind geschliffen und poliert und mit Edelstahlendstücken abgeschlossen. Ca. 70% des Lichts gelangt in die Faser, Verlust sind 6% / Fuß. Lichtleiteradapter werden zur Befestigung an Beleuchtungsgeräten für Lichtleiter benötigt.

Der richtige Adapter hängt vom Durchmesser der Lichtleiterspitze ab. Für Fasern mit 1/16" und 1/8" Durchmesser passt #38-943, für ¼" D. #38-944 und für 3/8" und ½" D. #38-946.


Titel VergleichenArtikelnummer  Preis Kaufen
Faseroptikadapter SX-10, 0,565“ ID #38-946 €46,00   Angebotsanfrage
  • 3-4 Tage

Technische Informationen

Length Diameter Fiber Bundle Dimensions Stock No.
24" 1/16" 0.187" 0.205" 0.56" 0.19" #40-640
36" 1/16" 0.187" 0.205" 0.56" 0.19" #42-344
48" 1/16" 0.187" 0.205" 0.56" 0.19" #39-365
24" 1/8" 0.187" 0.250" 0.56" 0.23" #42-345
36" 1/8" 0.187" 0.250" 0.56" 0.23" #40-644
48" 1/8" 0.187" 0.250" 0.56" 0.23" #39-366
12" ¼" 0.312" 0.422" 0.56" 0.41" #40-639
24" ¼" 0.312" 0.422" 0.56" 0.41" #42-346
36" ¼" 0.312" 0.422" 0.56" 0.41" #42-347
48" ¼" 0.312" 0.422" 0.56" 0.41" #39-367
72" ¼" 0.312" 0.422" 0.56" 0.41" #39-368
36" 3/8" 0.562" 0.750" 0.86" 0.67" #54-213
48" 3/8" 0.562" 0.750" 0.86" 0.67" #54-214
12" ½" 0.562" 0.875" 0.86" 0.76" #38-659
24" ½" 0.562" 0.875" 0.86" 0.76" #39-369
36" ½" 0.562" 0.875" 0.86" 0.76" #39-370
48" ½" 0.562" 0.875" 0.86" 0.76" #39-371
72" ½" 0.562" 0.875" 0.86" 0.76" #39-372

Tipps & Downloads


How to Achieve Optimal Collimation with Fiber Optics

Collimated light is required for many fiber optic applications. Using the proper setup, fiber optic collimating lenses or ball lenses, and some optical know-how, you can achieve optimal collimation.

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What are the advantages of Fiber Optic Illumination?

What is the difference between flexible, quartz and liquid fiber optic light guides?

What diameter beam will a light guide output?

Why do fiber optic light guides lose so much energy?

How do fiber optic light guides connect to fiber optic illuminators?

Ring Light Guide

Rechner Beleuchtungspunkt

What diameter beam will an optical fiber output?

What is the numerical aperture of a fiber?

Why do optical fibers lose so much energy?

What is the attenuation curve and how do I use it?

What is the difference between a jacketed and an unjacketed optical fiber?

What is the difference between single-mode and multimode fiber?

What is "cross-talk" and how can I eliminate it?

How do I cut and polish glass and plastic fibers?

Will optical fibers allow light to escape from the sides, like a neon sign?

What is the difference between coherent and incoherent fibers?

What does bend radius (or minimum radius of bend) mean?

I’m looking for the best way to maximize the amount of light from an LED into a fiber optic. What are the best options for coupling my LED and fiber?

My application calls for inexpensive, straight fiber bundles but the ones that you sell are bent. Is it possible to buy straight ones?


Faserschutzhülle (Buffer)

Fasermantel (Cladding)

Dezibel (dB)

Fiber Jacket


Optical Fiber

Packing Fraction

Typische Beleuchtungsarten

Bedeutung und Auswahl der korrekten Beleuchtung eines Bildgebungssystems ✓ Beleuchtungsarten, Farbfilter und Polarisationsfilter ⇒ hier mehr erfahren!

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Strukturierte Beleuchtung

Strukturierte Beleuchtung zur Bestimmung geometrischer Form & Tiefe bei Objekten ⇒ bestmögliches Ergebnis ✓ Lichtmuster-Beispiele ⇒ mehr erfahren!

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Spectrolight Mighty Light Product Overview

The Mighty Light is a self-contained, low-noise, tunable source of broadband visible and NIR light featuring a tungsten halogen lamp and output power up to 2W

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Spectrolight Flexible Wavelength Selector Basic Product Overview

Learn how to use a Spectrolight Flexible Wavelength Selector Basic to manually tune the emitted wavelength range of a Spectrolight Mighty Light Illuminator

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Spectrolight Flexible Wavelength Selector Auto Product Overview

Learn how to use a Spectrolight Flexible Wavelength Selector Auto to automatically tune the emitted wavelength range of a Spectrolight Mighty Light Illuminator

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What is ripple in illuminators and how does it affect my video system?

What is the advantage of high frequency illumination?

What are the advantages of LED Illumination?



Diffuse Beleuchtung

Directional Illumination

Glancing Illumination

Luminous Flux


Rechner für Fasereinkopplung

Silhouettenbeleuchtung in der industriellen Bildverarbeitung

Passende Hintergrundbeleuchtung > präzise Messung und Kantenerkennung > mehr erfahren bei Edmund Optics!

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How do I couple light into a fiber using a lens / ball lens?

How can I decrease the output angle of a fiber to achieve a more collimated beam with a lens / ball lens?

Does light entering a multimode fiber undergo a polarization change during propagation through the fiber? If so, can the emerging light be linearly polarized by placing a polarizer at the fiber’s output end?

Why is it necessary to collimate the laser diode before fiber-coupling?


Successful Light Polarization Techniques

Are you looking for a solution to common imaging problems? Discover different polarization techniques to improve your image at Edmund Optics.

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Spectrolight Mighty Light Accessories Overview

Modular accessories adapt the Spectrolight Mighty Light Illuminator for tuning to a specific wavelength, fiber coupling, collimating, homogenizing, and more

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Best Practice #4 Light Up Your Life

Join Nick Sischka, Vision Solutions Specialist and member of EO's Imaging Team, as he reviews some best practices to consider when designing an imaging system

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I am looking to prototype an illumination system. My objective is to use a small halogen filament bulb and end up with a beam of light. What would be the best lens or lens combination to give me this projected spot of light?

Do you have C-Mount components to make an in-line illumination assembly?

Axiale Beleuchtung

Fan Angle

Power Density

Total Internal Reflection (TIR)


Überlegen Sie, ob Sie eine Inline-Beleuchtung verwenden sollen oder nicht? Edmund Optics erläutert, wann diese sinnvoll ist, und vergleicht Beleuchtungen.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.2: The W of Illumination Geometry

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.3: Directional Illumination

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.4: Directional Illumination of Ring Lights

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.5: Backlights

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.6: Dome Lights

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Edmund Optics Imaging Lab 3.7: Line Lights

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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Best Practice #5 Color Matters

Join Nick Sischka, Vision Solutions Specialist and member of EO's Imaging Team, as he reviews some best practices to consider when designing an imaging system.

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Illumination: The Third Pillar of Imaging System Design

Understanding unique machine vision illumination methods

Can I use an illuminator alone to affect the spectral contrast of my image?


Understanding Collimation to Determine Optical Lens Focal Length

Collimated light occurs when light rays travel parallel to each other.

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Numerical Aperture (NA)

Edmund Optics Imaging Lab Module 3: Illumination Overview

Learn how to specify imaging system components.

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EO Imaging Lab 3.1: Grundlagen Beleuchtungskonzepte

Erfahren Sie, wie Komponenten eines Bildverarbeitungssystems spezifiziert und ausgewählt werden.

View Now


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