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Lineare Polarisationsfilme mit hohem Kontrast (XP42)

  • Hohe Transmission von unpolarisiertem Licht zwischen 400 und 700 nm
  • Ausgezeichnetes Auslöschungsverhältnis von 9000:1
  • Kundenspezifische Größen verfügbar
  • Versionen für hohe Temperaturen sind ebenfalls verfügbar


Wellenlängenbereich (nm):
400 - 700


Durchm. (mm)  Größe (mm)   Dicke (mm)   Substrat   Beschichtung   Auslöschungsverhältnis   Vergleichen  Artikelnummer  Preis Kaufen
10.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
12.50 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
15.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
20.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
25.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
30.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
40.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
50.00 - 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 50.0 x 50.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 100.0 x 100.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 150.0 x 150.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 200.0 x 200.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 250.0 x 250.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 300.0 x 300.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 600.0 x 500.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 600.0 x 1000.0 0.22 Polymer Film XP42-18 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) one-sided 9000:1
- 600.0 x 1000.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 25.0 x 25.0 0.77 Polymer Film XP42-75 - 9000:1
50.00 - 0.77 Polymer Film XP42-75 - 9000:1
- 100.0 x 100.0 0.77 Polymer Film XP42-75 - 9000:1
- 150.0 x 150.0 0.77 Polymer Film XP42-75 - 9000:1
- 250.0 x 250.0 0.77 Polymer Film XP42-75 - 9000:1
10.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
12.50 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
15.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
20.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
25.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 25.0 x 25.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
30.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
40.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
50.00 - 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 50.0 x 50.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 100.0 x 100.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 150.0 x 150.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 200.0 x 200.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 300.0 x 300.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 600.0 x 450.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 600.0 x 900.0 0.40 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
10.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
12.50 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
15.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-40 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
20.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
25.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
30.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
40.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
50.00 - 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 50.0 x 50.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 100.0 x 100.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 150.0 x 150.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 200.0 x 200.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 250.0 x 250.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 300.0 x 300.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 600.0 x 450.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
- 600.0 x 900.0 0.72 Polymer Film XP42-70 - up to 9000:1
10.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
12.50 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
15.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
20.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
25.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
30.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
40.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 Uncoated, protective film on both sides 9000:1 (nominal at 555nm)
50.00 - 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
- 50.0 x 50.0 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
- 100.0 x 100.0 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
- 150.0 x 150.0 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
- 200.0 x 200.0 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
- 25.0 x 25.0 0.19 Polymer Film XP42-18 Uncoated, Protective Film on Both Sides 9000:1
- 300.0 x 300.0 1.02 Polymer Film XP42-100 - up to 9000:1
Haben Sie Ihre genaue Größe nicht gefunden? Fordern Sie hier ein sofortiges Angebot für die von Ihnen gewünschte Größe an.


Die linearen Polarisationsfilme mit hohem Kontrast (XP42) eignen sich durch das ausgezeichnete Auslöschungsverhältnis und die hohe Transmission zwischen 400 und 700 nm ausgezeichnet für diverse Bildverarbeitungsanwendungen. Dieser Polarisationsfilm wird in verschiedenen Dicken angeboten. Dickere Polarisationsfilme haben eine bessere Haltbarkeit. Die linearen Polarisationsfilme (XP42) mit hohem Kontrast werden als Bögen geliefert und können je nach Anwendungsfall zugeschnitten werden.

Bitte beachten Sie: Polarisationsfilm ist auch mit Kleber verfügbar.

Schnelle kundenspezifische Angebote möglich

Besuchen Sie bitte unser Angebotstool für zugeschnittene Polarisatoren, wenn Sie einen runden, quadratischen oder rechteckigen Polarisationsfilter in den Größen 3 mm bis 600 mm benötigen. Wir senden Ihnen schnellstmöglich ein Angebot zu und können die Produkte in der gewünschten Größe in etwa 3 Wochen liefern. Eine komplette Liste der standardmäßigen Fertigungstoleranzen und Einschränkungen ist angegeben. Informationen zu komplett kundenspezifischen Filtern finden Sie auf der Seite Kundenspezifische Polarisatoren.

Technische Informationen

Tipps & Downloads


Polarisationsfilter und Polarisation - die Grundlagen

Polarisation und Polarisationsfilter erklärt ⇒ Polarisations-Typen ✓ Beeinflussen der Polarisation ✓ Anwendungen in der Bildverarbeitung ⇒ mehr erfahren!

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Auswahlhilfe für Polarisationsfilter

Mit der Auswahlhilfe für Polarisatoren bei Edmund Optics verfeinern Sie Ihre Suche nach einem bestimmten Polarisationsfilter.

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How Do 3D Movies Work? Polarization

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Polarization Overview - Part 1: Polarization Basics

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Polarization Overview - Part 2: Waveplates & Retarders (Advanced)

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You offer many types of polarizers. What are some key benefits to help me decide which is best for my application?

Werden die Polarisationsfolien mit Schutzfolien geliefert?

What is the difference between s- and p-polarization states?

What are the meanings for the different terms used for polarizers?

How can I tell what the polarization axis is for a linear polarizer?

When you list the average transmission of a polarizer, what is the difference between single, parallel, and crossed?

I have a linear polarizer glass filter and would like to create circularly polarized light. What type of optics do I need for this?

What is the maximum amount of light a polarizer can transmit?

Does the circular polarizer material have to face a particular direction?

What is the fast and slow axis of a retarder and how do they differ?

How can I find the fast and slow axes of a retarder?

What is the difference between multiple and zero-order retarders and when should I pick one over the other?

How can I determine if a retarder is quarter or half wave?

Can I adapt a retarder for use with a specific wavelength other than the design wavelength?

What is the benefit of polymer retarders?



Zirkularer Polarisationsfilter



Polarizing Efficiency



Retarder (Waveplate)



Wire Grid Polarizer

Successful Light Polarization Techniques

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Polarization Directed Flat Lenses, which are formed with polymerized liquid crystal thin-film, create a focal length that is dependent on polarization state.

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Polarizers Review

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Do diffusers affect the polarization of light?

Does the polarization of light change when it passes through a beamsplitter?

I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?

Does light entering a multimode fiber undergo a polarization change during propagation through the fiber? If so, can the emerging light be linearly polarized by placing a polarizer at the fiber’s output end?

Warum ist die Polarisation eines Lasers wichtig?

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Extinction Ratio

Non-Polarizing Beamsplitter

Polarizing Beamsplitter

Optical Microscopy Application: Differential Interference Contrast

Differential interference contrast (DIC) is one of the polarization techniques that can be used in optical microscopy. Learn about this technique at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding the polarization of laser light is critical for many applications, as polarization impacts reflectance, focusing the beam, and other key behaviors.

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