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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. Learn More

35mm, 1064nm, polarisierender Strahlteilerwürfel für Laserlinien

TECHSPEC Laser Line Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters

Produkt #48-581 3-4 Tage
Quantity Selector - Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the quantity. +
Stk. 1-5
Stk. 6+
Preise exklusiv der geltenden Mehrwertsteuer und Abgaben



Linear Polarizer

Physikalische und mechanische Eigenschaften

Protective bevel as needed
Freie Apertur (%):
Größe (mm):
35.0 x 35.0 x 35.0 ±0.1

Optische Eigenschaften

Strahlabweichung (Bogenminute):
Rabs <0.25% @ 1064nm
Designwellenlänge DWL (nm):
Transmission für p-polarisiertes Licht (%):
Reflexion für s-polarisiertes Licht (%):
Substrat: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Passfehler, Power (Ringe) @ 632,8 nm:
Unregelmäßigkeit (Ringe) @ 632,8 nm:

Konformität mit Standards

RoHS 2015:
Reach 219:


  • Entwickelt für übliche Dioden-, Gas- und Festkörperlaser
  • Reflektiert s-polarisiertes Licht, transmittiert p-polarisiertes Licht
  • Hohes Auslöschungsverhältnis

Die TECHSPEC® polarisierenden Strahlteilerwürfel für Laserlinien sind für zahlreiche übliche Laserwellenlängen konzipiert und teilen zufällig polarisiertes Licht in zwei orthogonale, linear polarisierte Strahlen. S-polarisiertes Licht wird unter 90° reflektiert, während p-polarisiertes Licht transmittiert wird. Jeder Strahlteiler besteht aus einem Paar präziser rechtwinkliger Prismen, die hochpräzise verkittet wurden, um die Wellenfrontverzerrung zu minimieren und eine exzellente Parallelität zwischen einfallendem und transmittiertem Strahl zu gewährleisten.

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Does the polarization of light change when it passes through a beamsplitter?

I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?

Non-Polarizing Beamsplitter

Polarizing Beamsplitter

Angebotstool für mit Laser zugeschnittene Polymerpolarisatoren und -verzögerer

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Was sind Strahlteiler?

Wir erklären Ihnen den Aufbau von Strahlteilern & welche Strahlteiler-Typen es gibt ✓ Erfahren Sie mehr in unserem Artikel ✓ Jetzt lesen!

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Introduction to Beamsplitters

Beamsplitters do exactly what their name implies: split incident light beams.

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Selecting the Right Beamsplitter

Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom.

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Selecting the Right Beam Expander

Edmund Optics offers both fixed power and zoom beam expanders. Knowing which beam expander is right for your application can greatly improve system efficiency.

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What is a plate or "mirror-type" beamsplitter?

What is a pellicle beamsplitter and when should I use it?

I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?

What is the difference between using a cube beamsplitter and a plate (mirror-type) beamsplitter?

When you say a beamsplitter has __% transmission and __% reflection, is that across the entire spectrum?

Is there such a thing as a variable density beamsplitter?

What are some advantages of using one cube beamsplitter type compared to another?

What are some advantages of using one plate beamsplitter type compared to another?

What is the difference between polarizing and non-polarizing beamsplitters?



Dichroitischer Strahlteiler

Pellicle Beamsplitter

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Polarization Overview - Part 1: Polarization Basics

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Polarization Overview - Part 2: Waveplates & Retarders (Advanced)

Waveplates and retarders are optical components designed to transmit light while modifying its polarization state without attenuating, deviating, or displacing the beam.

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You offer many types of polarizers. What are some key benefits to help me decide which is best for my application?

Werden die Polarisationsfolien mit Schutzfolien geliefert?

What is the difference between s- and p-polarization states?

What are the meanings for the different terms used for polarizers?

How can I tell what the polarization axis is for a linear polarizer?

When you list the average transmission of a polarizer, what is the difference between single, parallel, and crossed?

I have a linear polarizer glass filter and would like to create circularly polarized light. What type of optics do I need for this?

What is the maximum amount of light a polarizer can transmit?

Does the circular polarizer material have to face a particular direction?

What is the fast and slow axis of a retarder and how do they differ?

How can I find the fast and slow axes of a retarder?

What is the difference between multiple and zero-order retarders and when should I pick one over the other?

How can I determine if a retarder is quarter or half wave?

Can I adapt a retarder for use with a specific wavelength other than the design wavelength?

What is the benefit of polymer retarders?



Zirkularer Polarisationsfilter



Polarizing Efficiency



Retarder (Waveplate)



Wire Grid Polarizer

Do you have C-Mount components to make an in-line illumination assembly?

Axiale Beleuchtung

Successful Light Polarization Techniques

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Does the polarization of light change after reflecting off a mirror?

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Surface Quality

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